

Health Department

St Andrew’s House

Dear Colleague



1. The Scottish Executive’s cancer strategy, Cancer in Scotland: Action for Change, is being published today. It sets out a clear direction of travel for developing and improving cancer services over the coming years. It does not set out detailed prescriptive actions which we expect the Service to carry out, but rather it sets the scene against which NHSScotland can plan for those actions best suited to bring about the improvements required locally to meet the needs of patients with cancer.

2. Cancer remains a top priority for the Executive and for NHSScotland. The Executive is committed to backing up this commitment with substantial resources. However, new ground will be broken in deciding how these resources are allocated and spent. The Executive does not intend to tell NHS Boards what to do; rather we want the Service to advise us on the action needed and bring forward plans to meet these needs. Fuller details of how this process is expected to work through Regional Cancer Advisory Groups, NHS Boards and the Scottish Cancer Group are set out in the document.

3. This document marks the first step in a long-term process of renewing and strengthening the ways in which we tackle cancer. Its publication is a springboard for change and improvement that will empower staff, the voluntary sector and patients to have their say in the planning and development of cancer services.

3rd July 2001



For action

Chief Executives, Health Boards
Chief Executives, NHS Trusts

For information
Chief Executive, CSA
Chief Executive, HEBS
Directors of Public Health
Medical Directors, NHS Trusts
Directors of Nursing Services


Enquiries to:

Elizabeth Porterfield
Cancer Services Co-ordinator
Room 2N-15
St Andrew’s House

Tel: 0131-244 2352
Fax: 0131-244 2989

Request for copies:

St Andrew’s House
Tel: 0131 244 2346



By Health Boards and Trusts

4. Chief Executives are asked to ensure that Cancer in Scotland is drawn to the attention of all appropriate managers and staff.

5. A copy of this guidance and Cancer in Scotland: Action for change is available on the Scottish Executive website: http://www.scotland.gov.uk and the SHOW website: http://www.show.scot.nhs.uk as is a copy of the press release covering the launch.

By Scottish Executive Health Department

6. The Scottish Cancer Group (SCG) is tasked with bringing forward an Implementation Plan in the autumn. The SCG is being restructured and strengthened to take on this new remit. In future it will involve more voluntary sector and patient representatives. Details of the revised membership will be widely disseminated once this has been formalised.

Yours sincerely


Trevor Jones
Head of Department and Chief Executive
Dr E M Armstrong
Chief Medical Officer